Hypnotherapy for Sleeping Disorders Insomnia
Insomnia is a condition where our sleep is altered by duration, quantity and quality. This can be described as difficulty falling asleep, waking up early and chronic fatigue. It can be a symptom of other diseases and when happening for long periods needs attention.
The disorder is present despite good environmental conditions to obtain adequate amounts of sleep and causes a series of consequences. Among these are bad mood, irritability, cognitive difficulties, excessive sleepiness during the daytime.
Insomnia is part of dyssomnia, a group of sleep disorders due to changes of pace, quantity and quality of sleep, as well as sleep apnea and narcolepsy. Another group of sleep disorders is the parasomnias, characterized by the presence of an event during the sleep, or during the transition between waken and asleep ( talking during sleep, nightmares, bedwetting, bruxism, restless leg syndrome.
Insomnia can beome chronic and generate phobia of insomnia, when the subject's attention is focused on either succeed or fail to sleep with the paradoxical result to stay awake. The presence of intrusive thoughts and concerns about the risk of spending the night again without being able to sleep causes emotional, cognitive and physiological arousal that prevents physical and mental relaxation essential to sleep.
The 5 Types of Insomnia
Causes of insomnia
Stress, anxiety and depression are the most common causes of insomnia. Chronic insomnia can increase the risk of developing depression. Medical problems can also disturb sleep with symptoms, such as pain. Drugs may also have insomnia among their unwanted effects. Insomnia can also be induced by excessive use of coffee, nicotine and alcohol.
Insomnia can assume a disabling character wif lasting over time and this makes it necessary to intervene. Proper sleep hygiene is the first step, but it is not always enough, especially if the disorder took root over time.
The first approach in the treatment of insomnia is to identify and treat the cause that caused the trouble. Hypnotherapy has proved particularly effective to intervene on sleep disorders. The hypnotherapist works on the reinforcement of associations between the bed and the moment the individual goes to sleep and sleep-related restructuring of dysfunctional thoughts.
In this type of therapy mindfulness in a therapeutic setting can take an important role in preventing and resolving sleep problems and to avoid any consequences in everyday life.